Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sharing Sports Video Analysis

On the Video Analysis of Sports site we often show you some analysis that we have done using a particular software. We have used software from Dartfish, Innovision Systems Inc. - MaxTRAQ and our favorite open source application Kinovea.

Recently we were introduced to David Keefe. David let us in on his new project called UpMyGame. You may have noticed UpMyGame as a new menu item on this website. We do not endorse one video analysis software product over another. If you read our posts regularly you will know that we believe the most important aspect of video analysis for sports is camera positioning and quality of the video footage captured. Features of a video analysis software such as drawing lines, calculating angles, scaling and measuring distance and synchronizing two videos are great to have and can be found in many applications.Therefore we like video analysis software that is easy to use, easy to share and of course as inexpensive as possible.

So why do we have a link to UpMyGame on our website? Easy to use, easy to share and free for a start, but what we really liked about UpMyGame is that it is hosted online and your videos can be analyzed, commented on and shared online by you, your coach or players or anyone you allow to view it.

The software allows you to create coaching session for players or teams and can be hosted or embedded directly into your own website. This embedding feature is one of our favorites as it allows us to do some analysis and very simply share it with you on this website.

Below is an embedded coaching session using UpMyGame. You may have seen part of this analysis before at Improving Your Basketball Free Throw with Video

The UpMyGame software allows us to measure angles, draw lines, highlight areas of interest and make comments. The audio comment tool seems particularly useful for coaches to share their views and explain their analysis in more detail.

For the athlete who is trying to get more information there is also the option to ask for coaching. UpMyGame has a simple button to "Request Coaching" which allows you to ask a coach or UpMyGame member to have a look at your video and do some analysis. The coach has the opportunity here to charge for any coaching requested or if he feels generous he may just offer to help for free.

If you are looking for some video analysis software to analyze your sports performance or that of your athletes then we suggest that you have a look at UpMyGame. The free sign up price is hard to beat and if you ask for coaching from us "Sadaka" we may make you famous as we can write about and embed (with your permission) your coaching analysis directly in one of our future posts.

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